Viagra vs Cialis

Both Viagra and Cialis are famous medications for erectile dysfunction. But Viagra comes into the market when there is no oral medication for erectile dysfunction.

However, in recent years, many medicines are introduced in the market for erectile dysfunction and Cialis is one of these medicines.

Therefore, men get confused while selecting which medication is the best. If you think the answer is simple then you are wrong as we can not tell in one sentence which medication is the best.

Each medicine has its characteristics and benefits men in different ways. Therefore, in this article, we will discuss all the factors that help us to conclude which medicine is best for erectile dysfunction.

So let’s begin the discussion without wasting any moment.

How Viagra and Cialis are Different?

Both the medications for erectile dysfunction are PDE-5 inhibitors. Their main purpose is to relax the muscles in the penis and enhance the blood flow so that men can get erect.

But Viagra and Cialis have different active ingredients. In Viagra, the active ingredient is Sildenafil. While in the case of Cialis it is Tadalafil.

These active ingredients work differently for men. Therefore, some men find Viagra efficient while some say Cialis is better.

In short, both medicines are efficient and you should take them in case of erection dysfunction. However, both of these active ingredients work with the same mechanism.

So do not take both medications at the same time. Also, do not take more than the required dosage within 24 hours. This is because both medicines need a sexual stimulus to produce an effect. Do not think that by taking the medicine you will get an erection.

How to Consume Viagra and Cialis?

As compared to Viagra, Cialis act fast in the body. Therefore, you can take Cialis 30 minutes before you plan to do sex.

While in the case of viagra, you should take this medicine an hour before you have sex. You can take the Viagra pill on an empty stomach.

This is because if you eat the meal before the medicine then the reacting time of Viagra will slow down. On the other hand, you can take the Cialis medicine before and after the meal.

In addition, for the fast effects make sure to lessen the alcohol consumption if you drink alcohol. Also, take the medicine in the accurate dosage as the doctor recommends.

What is the Duration of Effect?

The other difference between Viagra and Cialis is the duration of effect. The effect of Viagra remains for 4 to 6 hours. Due to this couples can enjoy sex on multiple occasions.

But when it comes to Cialis the effect remains for 36 hours after you take the tablet. However, 36 hours duration does not mean that penis will stay erect for a long time.

Men will only get correction when they get involved in sexual activity. So select the medicine wisely if you are planning to do sex.

Which Medicine Provide More Safety?

As we have discussed above both Viagra and Cialis are PDE-5 inhibitors. It means they have the same side effects.

But due to more effective time, you may feel the Cialis side effects for a long time. So let’s see what are these most common side effects

  • Light-headedness
  • Flushing to the face
  • Headache
  • Nasal congestion
  • Indigestion
  • Visual changes

In addition, to these side effects, some people feel chest pain. But if you feel chest pain for a long time then you should consult the doctor as soon as possible for medical help.

What is the Cost of Viagra and Cialis?

The last difference between Viagra and Cialis is the cost. The longer effective time means more price. Therefore, Cialis is more expensive than Viagra.

But when it comes to the effective hours then Cialis do justice with the money. But if you want to save money then you should go for Viagra. Indeed, it has fewer effective hours but provides the same results for at least 6 hours.

Wrapping It All Up!!!

Now you know which medicine will work for erectile dysfunction. But if you are still confused then remember your sex plan in mind.

If you want to do the sexual activity for a limited time then take Viagra. It is available at a low rate and is 84% effective.

But if you have long plans for sex then go for Cialis as its effective duration is better. But according to reports, it is only 81% effective. So, make a wise decision after the doctor’s recommendation.


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